Cold Storage

Commercial Roofers near me Tampa
At Sutter Roofing we understand the high cost of energy is a major consideration in the cold storage industry. And with arctic conditions inside and tropical conditions outside, cold storage operations can put tremendous stress on a roof especially in warmer climate areas. Sutter Roofing’s highly-trained employees are experienced in controlling vapor and humidity to assure structural integrity and a proper vapor seal no matter what the climate.

Starting with our first freezer re-roof in 1980 for Tropicana Products located in Bradenton, Florida, we have since completed over 10 million square feet of low-temperature installations from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Guatemala City, Guatemala. Cold storage facilities and distribution centers have been a specialty of Sutter Roofing for over 20 years. Sutter Roofing’s proven experience allows us to deliver high-quality workmanship and our bright-white reflective roofing systems comply with requirements for Cool Roofing.

Sutter Roofing has installed a variety of Cold Storage roofing systems that have proven performance on hundreds of facilities. Put our years of experience in the cold storage industry to work for you.

Commercial Roofing near Orlando & Tampa

Sutter Corporate Headquarters

8284 Vico Court | Sarasota, FL 34240
(800) 741-0090
(941) 377-1000
(941) 377-4499 (fax)
License #: CCC1336225